Friday, 11 November 2016

Camp Tasks - Room 9 & 10!

Camp Task

Today in room 10 we had room 9 for our friday morning, They were in our class to discuss with room 10 about 'Participating and contributing' and 'Relating to others'. Today was a day to communicate with each others and talk about alot of statements related to our to key points, Which is Participating and contributing and Relating to others. 

Our first key point that we had to work on was participating and contributing. We got into our groups and brained stormed some keywords related to our key points. Next, we presented our work in front of the classes.

Our second key point that we had to work on was relating to others. We made another brainstorm  about relating to others and then we got up and shared with the class.

Some key words that I know about Participating and contributing is:
Encouraging others
Being reliable
Team work
Communicating with others.

Some key words that I know about Relating to others is:
Making connections
Making friendship
Teamwork / Buildings
School values 
(Tukumarie - Tolerance)
(Rangimarie - Peace)
(Whanaungatanga - Caring for each other)
(Manaakitanga - Building relationship)
Many more...

Thank you for reading.

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I hoped you enjoyed.


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