Thursday, 31 October 2013

My writing work.

Use this picture to create a narrative story.%
  • Figurative Language
  • Sentence Lengths (short, middle, long)
  • Structure (O, P, S, R)
  • Precise (interesting) words
  • Speaking parts between characters
  • Character and Setting descriptions!

Start here:one morning while i was sleeping in my bed i could hear big waves splashing  over people  houses.I stood up out of my bed and ran downstairs and ran outside it wasn't sunny but it looks  like it going to rain .1 reason is if it rains  the rain will make it more worse and everybody will die.2 reason is if it doesn't rain  everybody should get up the mountain and some of us will still be alive.

Tower Climber!!

Today for I was playing on tower climber. it was fun to play . Hope you like it.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

My writing story.

There were two kids called  zelda and fillex and they away in a store where nobody can see them.Fillex was the biggest hes the one that brown straight hair it was dark as a bear fer but it wasn't that dark. zelda was the youngest she had curly hair bright like the sun .

My screenshot.

This a muse game i have been learning timetable.

My screenshot of sumdog.

This is my screenshot from sumdog because have been learning pluses and timetable.

Friday, 25 October 2013

My basic fact.

I have been learning my basic fact everyday single day.

Athletics Day!

Athletics Day!
All the house teams marched down across the field and into their tents and sort  out the youngest people from 5 years old all the way up to 13.The teams were called Alamein,Benghazi,Tobruk and Tripoli. Alamein is for yellow,Benghazi is for green,Tobruk is for red and Tripoli is for blue.The sun was  blue as a  blue bright fizzy drink.
While we were racing the sunlight light glows me  like shiny  sunny

The problem was that while they were racing some of the children were swearing and spitting .
When we all finish racing we all have to come back to our tents and we all had to perform our dancing or singing.

After we all performed our dancing and singing we all  enjoy music and  ate.


Wednesday, 23 October 2013

My spelling

This helps my brain  get faster at doing spelling.

My spelling games.

This is a spelling game that helps me crash the balloons  because it has the letter inside.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Spelling Activites

Today  I was practicing my Spelling by playing Spellify 500.